Cubic Calculator

Cubic Calculator



Total m 3 0.00 m 3
Total Cubic Weight 0.00 KG

How to calculate the cubic volume of freight

Transport companies charge either DEAD weight or CUBIC weight. Which ever is greater!

Dead weight = The actual weight of the item
Cubic weight = The volume weight i.e size of the freight item (formula calculation) see below

Throughout the industry, different cubic conversions exist. This normally depends on what transport mode is utilized by the customer.

Please see your rate schedule to see what conversion rate applies to you.

Cubic conversion rate options

Standard cubic conversion is 1 cubic meter of space = 333 kgs

Cubic weight formula

Multiply the Height (H) x Length (L) x Width (W) = M3 (Cubic measurement)
.Mt x .Mt x .Mt = M3

To convert the cubic measurement to KG multiply the M3 amount by the applicable conversion rate


Width = 40cm (or.40 of a metre)
Height = 135cm
(0r 1.35 of a metre)
Length = 65cm (or .65 of a metre)
Multiply the height x length x Width =M3 x Conversion Rate (333 for this example)
1.35 x .65 x .40 = .35m3 x 333 = 116.88 kgs
You will be charged the greatest of the two. Dead weight or Cubic weight
If the actual box weighed 123 kgs you would be charged this weight
If the box was say, 23kgs. You would be charged the cubic weight of 116.88 kgs

Important notes

If your freight is on a pallet or any other sort of packaging you must include this in your cubic weight calculation i.e it forms part of the freight item
If the item is an odd shape, the greatest points must be used. Measure an imaginary box around the item
Round up all kgs to the next denominator i.e 30.3 kgs will be rounded up to 31 kgs
If its less than a metre in measurement it equates to .cm (part of a metre)